Altre notizie

Lettera di aggiornamento sulla situazione a Gaza da parte della Medical Relief, nostro partner – 21 novembre 2012

Pubblicato il 21 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

Tuesday November 21st, 2012 12:00 As the Israeli aggression on Gaza strip continues, Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, President of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society, arrived in Gaza on Tuesday November 20th, heading a medical team that came to support the work of medical and emergency services in Gaza. Dr. Barghouti and the accompanying delegate arrived through [...]

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Lettera di aggiornamento sulla situazione a Gaza da parte della Medical Relief, nostro partner – 20 novembre 2012

Pubblicato il 20 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

November 20th  , 2012, 12:00 ·         In a clear show of disregard to all international laws and conventions, Israeli warplanes bombed the Jordanian Field Hospital in Tel Alhawa area (Gaza city) with two missiles. The hospital, operated by Jordanian staff, has been providing health care services to Palestinian patients and injured since the previous war [...]

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Appello dell’associazione Hanan, nostro partner a Gaza – 19 novembre 2012

Pubblicato il 19 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

Friends, comrades, brothers and kind people The people in Gaza are calling you among the sprawling corpses on the hospitals corridors The situation is crises, since the black Thursday 15.11.2012 the independence day of Palestine, at Shifa hospital there were mothers, fathers looking for children, looking for relatives. Everyone was confused and seeking support. Mothers [...]

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Lettera di aggiornamento sulla situazione a Gaza da parte della Medical Relief, nostro partner – 19 novembre 2012

Pubblicato il 19 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

Monday November 19th  , 2012, 12:00 am For the sixth day in a row, Israel continues its assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza Strip. So far more than 90 people were killed and 750 were injured, mostly women and children. Israeli attacks have mainly targeted innocent civilians, mainly women, children and elderly. Not only that, [...]

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Lettera di aggiornamento sulla situazione a Gaza da parte della Medical Relief, nostro partner – 18 novembre 2012,

Pubblicato il 18 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

Sunday November 18th, 2012; 12:00 am For the fifth day in a row, Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip continues. At least 52 people were killed, including 14 children, 3 women, and 3 elderly people, and 550 were injured, including 150 children. In a dangerous development, Israel bombed two buildings that have a number of media [...]

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Lettera di aggiornamento sulla situazione a Gaza da parte della Medical Relief, nostro partner – 16 novembre 2012

Pubblicato il 16 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

Dear friends, Greetings from Gaza On behalf of the PMRS team, I’d like to thank all those who called or e-mailed us to show their support and solidarity with our people. Today is the third day of the Israeli offensive. So far  ( until now) 24 people, including 8 children, 3 women’s  were killed and [...]

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Apello della Medical Relief, nostro partner a Gaza – 15 novembre 2012

Pubblicato il 15 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

Dear Friends, For the 2nd day in a row, Gaza is under extensive Israeli military attacks. So far fifteen people were killed and more than 150 others were injured. Hospitals are already lacking essential emergency medications as they are receiving large numbers of injured people.   This seems to be only the first stage of this [...]

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Rapporto del viaggio a Gaza ottobre 2012

Pubblicato il 6 novembre 2012 da Gazzella

 Relazione del viaggio a Gaza per visitare i bambini adottati da Gazzella (Ottobre 2012)  Sono tornata a Roma dopo 3 settimane in Palestina, di cui più di 2 a Gaza e qualche giorno a Gerusalemme. Come al solito gli israeliani hanno fatto in modo di rendere difficile il viaggio in Palestina e a Gaza in [...]

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Gaza, 23 ottobre 2012

Pubblicato il 25 ottobre 2012 da Gazzella

Da Rosa Schiano, Gaza Questa mattina sono andata in Beit Hanoun, a nord della Striscia di Gaza, per accompagnare i contadini a raccogliere le olive lungo il confine. A seguito però di incursioni di carro armati israeliani e spari continui da parte dei soldati, l’attività di raccolta è avvenuta solo ad 1 km dal confine. [...]

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Gazzella a Mestre 28 settembre 2012

Pubblicato il 15 settembre 2012 da Gazzella
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